Zynga shares were up 1 per cent at $2.36 in afternoon trade on Monday on the Nasdaq. Zynga is hoping that a lucrative real-money market could make up for declining revenue from games like "FarmVille" and other fading titles that still generate the bulk of its sales. It also applied this month for a preliminary application to run real-money gambling games in Nevada.

Categories: Marketing/Merchandising, Business. Zynga has said it is shifting focus to capture growth in mobile games. rspca petville home page » rspca petville rspca petville is a one-stop shop for all your pets needs and every purchase raises money to help vulnerable animals across south australia. About 1,260 users commented on the game's Facebook page, some lamenting the game's shutdown. Zynga launched its best-known game, FarmVille, on Facebook in June 2009.

"Petville," which lets users adopt virtual pets, has 7.5 million likes on Facebook but only 60,000 daily active users, according to AppData. Zynga Inc is an American developer running social video game services. Zynga, the company behind Facebook game hits FarmVille and Cafe World, have released its latest game - PetVille. "PetVille" players were offered a one-time, complimentary bonus package for virtual goods in those games. "In place of 'PetVille,' we encourage you to play other Zynga games like 'Castleville,' 'Chefville,' 'Farmville 2,' 'Mafia Wars' and 'Yoville,'" the company told players on its 'PetVille' Facebook page. This video was recorded the month the closure announcement was made.

Follow PoPville on Facebook here on Twitter here, and on Instagram here. Heres a look at the pet-simulation game PetVille, which was closed on December 30, 2012. The 11 titles shut down or closed to new players include role-playing game "Mafia Wars 2," "Vampire Wars," "ForestVille" and "FishVille." Update: Almost anything, if the horse is dead please stop beating it. All the 11 shutdowns occurred in December. If this data is unavailable or inaccurate and you own or represent this business, click here for more information on how you may be able to correct it.The San Francisco-based company announced the "Petville" shutdown two weeks ago on its Facebook page. VIEW ADDITIONAL DATA Select from over 115 networks below to view available data about this business.