(Super macro list!) A Gross overview, A global view! These are raw fuel fouled spark plugs, and is a clear sign of gross over fueling.

Plug on left is hopeless! Carbon + raw fuel. See common fails for rich running caused by ( The O² SENSOR) here. Jet black spark plug tips, full of carbon, and sometimes dripping with raw fuel. The engine shakes violently at idle, due to the gross misfiring…Lots of Symptoms! The CAT smells funny? or odd? Gross misfiring and loss of power, and MPG at 12MPG. Stalling? or won’t start? The 1996+ USA cars, CEL lamp flashes when driving… (means the CAT is melting, operator guide says go slower and get it serviced)

My motor, is running way too rich or worse! See Jargon used here.īlack exhaust cloud, or the CAT glowing red hot, or worse, the whole exhaust manifold glowing red hot?

Also known as, Over-fueling. (Can be, the under supply of air! at idle)Ī.k.a.